EBE Group : Our customers

When was founded in 1932, its main activity was the cereals marketing, representation and distribution; later starts the seed crushing and oil marketing in the Poble Nou de Barcelona. Finally, he moved to the free zone of Barcelona, closing the milling plant and incorporating, as business activities, the vegetable oil refination in batch mode, the splitting and distillation of fatty acids, hydrogenation activity, plant glycerine, Hydrolysis plant and cogeneration plant. At present, the production capacity of Cailà & Parés is of approx. 60,000 MT for hydrolisis and 40,000 MT for hydrogenation, becoming the Spanish market leader.

Ebe Group
Cardenal Reig, 17 Bajos
08028 Barcelona (Spain)
[+34] 93 448 72 00

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