EBE Group : Our customers

Consell comarcal del Barcelonès

The Barcelonès Region Council is a territorial local authority that hold jurisdiction in Council cooperation, advice and coordination, as well as those powers conferred by the Acts of Parliament, depending on the topology of every counties. This authority is also authorised for developing the competences delegated or entrusted by the Administración of the Generalitat, the corresponding deputation, municipalities, associations of municipalities and communities, and organisations of local associations. One relevant fact that marked the existence of the Region Council of Barcelonès are the competences transferred from the extinguished Metropolitan Corporation of Barcelona, such as the implementation of major general systems of metropolitan planning and the rehabilitation and housing management service within the district borderlines.

Ebe Group
Cardenal Reig, 17 Bajos
08028 Barcelona (Spain)
[+34] 93 448 72 00

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