Services: Energy

TIC, Mobility, renewable energies, energy efficiency, public equipments, new cooperation formats, human capital.
  • Mobile and land line services, satellite TV, optic fibre computer networks, e-commerce and internet services.
  • Smart grids: information management between users and citizen information systems.
  • Design, implementation and management of energy efficiency systems.
  • Management of intelligent systems for street lighting.
  • Electrical vehicle.
  • Wireless sensor networks to control pollution levels in the air, radiation levels, lighting levels, the state of noise pollution, trafc in the streets and parking.
  • Renewable energies for electricity, heating and air conditioning production.
  • Equipment for office and residence buildings where efficiency and careful use of non-renewable natural resources prevails.
Ebe Group
Cardenal Reig, 17 Bajos
08028 Barcelona (Spain)
[+34] 93 448 72 00

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