Services: Projects & Works

Quality assurance
  • Verification that the designed project agrees with the measurements and the budget contracted to avoid last minute surprises and decisions during the execution, which always costs us more money. Analysis of the possible improvements for the project, suggesting constructive solutions more adequate and economical which will represent a reduction of the final cost.
  • Auditing and certification of projects according to international standards.
  • Project optimization, searching for savings in the final budget.
  • Checking and assurance that the work is executed according to the project and regulations.
  • Quality control for materials, analysis and verification of the suitability of the materials used.
  • Inspection during the execution and edition of specific reports to deliver to official agencies such as banks, insurance companies, public administration, etc.
  • Structure valuation and edition of the corresponding pathology report. Materials used. Use and suitability.
Ebe Group
Cardenal Reig, 17 Bajos
08028 Barcelona (Spain)
[+34] 93 448 72 00

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